
  1. Open your web browser and go to the official Trezor website (
  2. At the top menu, click on "Get Started" or "Support."
  3. You'll be directed to the "Getting Started" page. Click on the link or button that says "" to begin the setup process.

Step 3: Connect Your Trezor Device

  1. Unbox your Trezor hardware wallet and connect it to your computer or mobile device using the provided USB cable.
  2. You'll see a prompt on your device's screen, instructing you to visit "" on your computer or mobile browser.

Step 4: Install Trezor Bridge (if required)

Depending on your operating system and browser, you may need to install the Trezor Bridge software. This software allows your computer to communicate securely with your Trezor device. Follow the on-screen instructions to download and install Trezor Bridge if prompted.